Friday, July 12, 2013

William Bradly

Happy Day!  Grandbaby #3 in the Grandbaby que has arrived!  William Bradly Powelson was born @ 10;47 p.m. via c-section!  He weighed in at 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 21 1/2" long!  He outweighed cousin Lucy by a whole 4 ounces making him the biggest grandbaby to date!  He has gorgeous ruddy skin huge piercing eyes, and red hair!  He is our first little red head and we couldn't be happier!  He is so soft and amazing.  When his daddy carried him out of the delivery room to meet us I reached up and kissed his tiny cheek and was completely overwhelmed with the softness of his skin.  I can still feel the sensation when I close my eyes and remember the moment! The moments after birth are some of the most exquisite moments in life- serene, spiritual, filled with deep love and sincere gratitude for the safe arrival on earth of a precious soul.

Alyssa and Lucy were able to make the trip down to Southern Idaho with Brad and I and Kimmie was able to meet Lucy and share this precious time with her beautiful sister.  What a sweet and joyful event for all of us!  Mccartney was so excited when he met his little brother, he exclaimed "ooooh" and had the most precious little look of reverence on his face.  They had been calling the baby bradly as they were waiting for him to be born, but when they met him they decided he looked more like a william so they named him william bradly.  A couple of days later when McCartney was talking about his little brother and couldn't quite seem to say hi name, he looked up at kimmie and said, "hey, what is that little guys name anyway?"  We all had a good laugh!  William is welcomed into a home filled with lots and lots of love for him!  We are thrice blessed and so happy they are all here safe and well!  Truly God is good!!